This journal is dedicated to whatever rolls across my mind and to those who listen. Thank you.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

my penpal from Tehran Iran

and now for something completely different. ;-)
i have a penpal in Iran. he found me on youtube and left me a comment. i appreciate being able to communicate with him. fascinated by the possibilities of a peaceful world. we are in a special time right now. things are changing faster. ;) look at the Big Picture. Look!


ok. my first querry my new friend.
what is ur general perception of the US? and of it's people and where we stand facing one another as iranians & americans?
and please be honest. i'm not a ‘hater’ and i always do my best to understand all points of view. so if u feel u must hold back please do not. Understanding how we are perceived is crucial in moving forward as a world united than a world divided.
thank u my brother. i appreciate it. :)
all the best to you.
oh and how old are you? i am 39, i live in LA and am working on my career in hollywood as a movie actor.
thanks again. :)


Hello, and sorry for the late response. I have been very busy !! My general perception if I understand the question correctly correctly of your country that it is beautiful for the most part, and you have more freedom than any other nation in the world (I guess your tied with Canada). I have been to America before, and I have to say they are very nice people. Every country has good and bad people, of course there is racism in your country just like there is in mine, but the people were generally good. Most Iranians actually like Americans a lot, we watch American movies, listen to your music, follow your fashion, we have lot's of your food here, and a large majority of Iranians speak English very well. I believe the only reason we are separated is because of politics, and this is very unfortunate. The Iranian people like Americans a lot is what I am trying to say my friend :) I am actually 25, even tho my youtube says 31 ;) Good luck with your acting career, when I first actually saw you I said to myself this guy deserves to be in movies! hahah. Stay in touch my friend :)

no worries on a delayed reply. no worries. ;) thank u so much for doing so. i truly appreciate your communications. :) and i appreciate what you have said. i am happy at what you have told me.
and thank you on my career! lol! i'm working hard at it. i recently moved to Los Angeles (one year ago) from NYC to pursue my acting career. it is evolving. like anything else it takes time. but things are happening. i am pleased. i am interested with my growing celebrity to help bring awareness to all people that we are all people. lol! that we are all the same just from different parts of the world. we all feel the same emotions. :)
in any case... thank you! again for your openness.
another querry please... do you experience censorship? are there restrictions on what you can view online? how free are you to express yourself publicly?
take your time in reply. it's all good. i'm just happy to be in touch with you.
happy holiday to you. :) what religion do you practice if any?
all the best!
having a merry christmas here. :)
your friend,
Hollywood USA ;)

Hello again, yes unfortunately there is a lot of censorship in Iran. Our local TV only gets about 7 channels, everyone has satellite but the government sends out signals that affect its transmission. Sites like Facebook and YouTube are blocked (Attempted to be blocked at least lol).. Also, we cannot express ourselves in anyway out in public other than in favour of the government. You can get in very big trouble. Also, women here are forced to wear Hijab which I guess you have seen before, even in summers when it is around 40 degrees Celsius (104 F) they are forced to have a lot of clothing. Men can't wear certain clothes like shorts, and they are very strict on "edgy" hairstyles. Freedom of speech and expression pretty much doesn't exist here my friend. I am very familiar with Christmas, but I am Muslim. Although not extreme muslim or a regular practicer of religion I still have belief in god. Best of holidays to you my friend, Tim Hollywood ! hahah

Keep in touch !

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

it's what i do

walking down the road i bare
my heart, my soul, with all i share
passion, love of living, good life
strength, compassion, good will.
i feel of my heart & always do mind
trying to learn all that i can.
i am my own man, making my own stand
here me roar, hear me growl
look out i'll remove that scowl
with a twisting turn, a slide of hand
i'll have you dreaming of la la land.
so come with me
take my hand
i'm off to take
a fly'n leap

it's what i do. ;)

Monday, November 14, 2011

my reply 2 my young youtube friend on being lonely

i do remember speaking of being lonely as a result of me having to cut nonsense people from my life. there are a lot of people in life who take too much of your good vibe and can hold you back. you gotta identify, cut and move on and that is very lonely. been so lonely i've cried many many times. pain, hurt, torn, ripped, shredded heart sad and lonely. yes i've been lonely. what i say to that is yes it is ok... we must experience whatever the good path gives us in return. that you are trying to be a better man is all you need do. there will be issues we gotta deal with on our path and loneliness is one of them. i can tell you what i live and i can tell you that it gets better. in time. gotta pay ur dues so to speak. its true. its the path to being a man. owning yourself and setting yourself free.

it's ok to be lonely. it happens. what also will happen is that you get better at identifying and attracting the right people to you. in time.

hang tuff brother. you got it. ;-)


Saturday, September 17, 2011

knots & rope

mistakes are knots in a rope. rope is your life line. remember rope is malleable, it can bend, twirl and twist or be taught and straight. then again it can meander and sway. it can also loop round and round and round in circles endlessly repeating itself... round n round... n round.... dizzying round and... ahem.. (excuse me;) you get my point.

mistakes are knots in your rope. climb your rope. follow with fluid abondon. let a mistake, a knot in your rope be the footing you use to push further along your path. climb up yall! ascension is good! ascend thyself and watch those knots unfurl as you pass.

then you will be free. then you'll really be free.

Monday, September 5, 2011


If u open a door
with-out a key
inside of thee
shall be
the sins of the world.

Weighing weight
Scaling back
Soul ever more scarce
You, the, he or she
Shall disappear
From the realm
Of happy

Go to
Go fro
Go the way
Ur instinct doth sho

Listen up
Listen hard
This is truth
Most divinitively

God is within
God is without
Made in an image
I am him no doubt

Hell yes!
Damn right!
I am here
For my own fight!

Live within
Live without
Live all day long
In a moment no doubt

Expand ur heart
Open ur mind
Love exponentially
And watch dreams explode
With life With vitality
Happy times great family

Life is good
Life is grand
It only takes u 2 understand.

Please understand. Please understand. Please start, little by little, baby step after baby step, piano piano, bit by bit, you, us, we, together will b forever happy.

No doubt.


Sunday, August 14, 2011


C’mon down. We’re closer to God than u might think.

Salamander-pink chiffon fabric on the walls of an old school east village tattoo shop. (Kinda shop that existed when getting a tat in NYC was illegal. Small, secluded in the basement of an old tenement building. Imagine that. Tattoo’s… illegal.) Crazy ink splattered designs up and down the halls. Enter small square room. Dark black shiny walls that seem to rise up forever. Cold damp concrete floor. Steel chair and a tattoo gun sit centeredly square. Fluorescent ceiling light seems more like heavens pearly gate shining openly down upon me. Sitting in the chair, needle to my own head I think of the lifetimes of lost love. The sorrow and bitter sting of heart break. My hand guided by spirit painstakingly-meticulous, proceeds methodically and determined. With memories, the pain of pain is ground out. The deep and heavy grinding of 15 precise points hammering thousands a second magnify inside my skull.

I don’t understand it. I used to feel things and deny them. No more. I’m learning to adapt. To go with the flow. U know bro? I’ve been at this game for millennia. Nothings changed but the weather. All you people out there have the same fucked attitude. No worries bro. I’m working it. I gotcha back. See… my time is now homey. Time to shake my money maker. Ha ha! Rock and Roll baby! Only the strong will survive this hooorah muther fucker! Balls to the wall and ready to smash skulls! Fuck you demon mother fuckers! I will have you bitches!

Free the minds of my people! My brothers and sisters! Free the minds or suffer my hammer in time!

Peace out Sucka!

Your Best Worst Nightmare

Monday, August 1, 2011

waking tune

tune in turn out
tune in blurt out
tune in work out
tune in scream, shout
tune in turn on
tune in be on
tune in be-yond
wake up look out
wake up kick out
wake up no doubt
wake up live l-oud

live loud live loud be proud be proud... BE PROUD.

i feel it inside
i let it out
i feel it inside
i let it out
i feel it inside
i let it out i let it out i let it out

live loud live loud be proud be proud...

having fun
having fun
only having fun
why can't we have fun?
lots n lots of fu fu fun? i love fun
its what i do
its there for u
why dontchu c u?
its there for u
right there for u
just reach out and...
have fu fu fu fun lots n lots of fu fu fu fun...

live loud live loud be proud be proud

it resides in u
i can't spell it 4 u
u gotta believe in u
u r who u choose
u just gotta b u

it starts with love
love inside u
u got 2 love u
love u love u love u

all u gotto do yo
is love u yo
its all u got yo
why dontcha kno yo?
its on u bro
whyo whyo whyo
love yo love yo LOVE... yo

love urself. forgive urself. understand urself and the world will understand u.

Monday, July 11, 2011

i feel

i feel like sand, impressionable malleable clay with heart and soul. a molasses interior that flows smoothly with the universe. no fast no slow just go... at my own pace... my pace w the universe. steady, regular, consistent. i love how i feel. i love my emotions so deep and strong. tears of joy of pain of recognition. amazement at my wonder. my life my dream. i live more in touch every day. and because of it... my dreams, my heart, my love soars... way way way... so way up i never could dream so big. its out there. your dream. waiting for you. live it. : - )


Thursday, June 30, 2011


visceral visceral visceral this word keeps rocking my mind. visceral. out of nowhere but from somewhere. there is good reason for all.

i've heard a hundred times over the years, visceral. wise men discussing business in design. a visceral approach in design is very fine in any time. visceral. instinctual. to respond with soul is visceral. your soul speaks, you listen, you live, viscerally.

i dig it. i feel it.
don't over analyze.
micro-managing may penalize
your emotions to escape
through a bunch of
red tape.
let it be.
come and see.
my light, it is a shining.
it's right under your nose.
peace. ;)

Sunday, May 15, 2011

black glove

i stood on the beach in the sand facing the ocean. massive black sea before me with rolling crested crashing waves pounding the shore. voluminous, thick, looming dark blanket of clouds reaching from the sea towards land. a menacing black hand as i could not differ sea from sky, sliding closer. mother nature asserting herself at the will of the universe. black mass, one if by land 2 if by sea. 3 if by sky. got u on all sides.
this glove slowly reaching for land
this glove if u c shall understand
power is mighty, power is grand, look all around u this is all part a plan
not here for nothing, how can u say
look round fool, how do u explain our way
stop the doubt and insecure
cut the shit, fuck demure!
call it out, what is ur name?
assert urself here now
make ur own claim
life is ur's, for u to live
throw ur hands up, learn how to give
learn to surrender, stop the fight
get more with sugar baby than a world of salt might
heed my words, mistake none for trite
listen now, please;

we are free from fight, when we learn love, love, love, and see the light.


Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sandy is a Friend

Dear Sandy,

I wanted to tell you for the short time i've known you you've brought me joy whenever our paths crossed. A brilliant lady; your warm smiles and quick hello's were enough to keep me sailing high and by. you seemed to live by your own rules. no shit. no drama, just you and your great light.

I don't even know your last name. Suppose that's not as important as the imprint you have left on me. Thank you for that.

Please know you'll be missed. And thank you for affecting my life. Thank you. I will always think of you fondly and i will miss you. perhaps our paths shall cross again. Until then your memory is my fuel for life.

See you again.

your friend,


Saturday, April 30, 2011

dia rea in yo face!

when u wana be a freak
so u slip out from ur cheeks
when u wana be unique
so u leave a big fuckn streak
if ur hair is curly brown
and theres a turd stain on ur crown
yup yup

Monday, March 28, 2011

sunlit mornings

the most beautiful thing is a new day. rising sun, birds chirp, dogs chew their bones. sunlight cascading thru windows. sounds of the world waking up. the buz of the day has begun singing such sweet melody.

praise God.


Saturday, March 26, 2011


know what it's like to believe without bounds? faith beyond explanation.

everything has purpose. everything is from the same. life is harmony. the soul of music. all things coming together and working variously in harmony. ;)

Monday, March 21, 2011


realize we all have a guardian angel.

let go of the care to take credit.

pursuit of heart leads to another place, space, time and level. have concern for love at all cost.

sacrifice. sacrifice on all parts of being. discipline. discipline to handle sacrifice. life, a never ending challenge of work but with work comes discipline, discipline - sacrifice.

everything starts getting better. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

points of view

this morning i felt the physical pain of a shoulder injury i've been dealing with for several months. it's been acute of late. by my own doing of course. i ignored the signs i was already familiar with but too arrogant to acknowledge. now, i can't train anything from my waist up. i'm a bodybuilder. i live to train. but hey, i was too smart to listen to my body. my ego in control. my flaw.

walking my dogs always gives me time to think. they bring such joy to my life. the pleasure of walking them grounds me. they remind me to be thankful. thank God i have an arm to nurse and heal. thank God my arms are still by my side. Thank God i woke this morning and walked my dogs. thank you God.

Thank You.


Monday, March 7, 2011

feelin it

you know that feeling you get when you are about to do something you want to be good at? Taking a test, picking up a hot date for the first time, stepping onto a stage or speaking in front of others. there's an anxious excitement. you like to avoid it all together but it remains. that's the shit you gotta face. that's the stuff you gotta be feeling to know you're on your path. have passion enough to take chances. make things happen for yourself. take full responsibility for your own ass! no ones fault but yours if shit don't work out. maybe you weren't meant to do what you failed at. learn from it. move the fuck on.

oh i gotta feelin
it's a sweet feelin
its a washin ova me.
takin a chance
no matter circumstance
i work with anxiety.
it makes me real
i'm aware how i feel
i'm alive & livin free.


Friday, March 4, 2011

what to look out for

take it slow when working a dream. one of the most challenging life experiences for me has been the tattooing of my head. breaking free of worry and of doubt. not only was tattooing my face physically painful but heavily emotional. moving forward on instinct is difficult when first starting. learning to trust is epic. step by small step learn to trust yourself. follow that excitement in your belly. that is who you are. that is who you are meant to be.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

laws of a tattooed man

because i live from my heart. my heart spoke, i listened.
i don't like it.
this is me. can't change that. i didn't walk in and look at u and ask... why r u asian? and upon ur answer tell u i don't like u.
why are you telling me this?
i will forgive u.
for being honest?
for being honest.
i am being honest.

honest is what i practice every day.

when we are honest we can easily see what is bad for us and deal accordingly.

honest is virtue, virtue is law.


Friday, February 25, 2011

feel it

inspiration. comes in all forms. a vision. a melody. sweet words.
my heart swoons for love. i feel appreciation from the depth of my soul. thankful for my life, for the words i speak, the light i can see and feel. i can turn on a song, tune in the tv, watch a big screen and be drawn in. my own history is excited. i let go of emotion and let out. it flows freely from me. sometimes it's a lump in my throat over turmoil. other times a tear of joy rolling down my cheek. i care about my emotional state. i don't bother with what others may think. in time they will recognize this passionate soul. admire it for all its wealth of emotion. it's rise and fall. it's ebb & flow.
let your soul out. allow yourself emotion. let out the bad and deal. work on the good and build. soon enough you'll find yourself crying over the beauty of the world. i do.

peace & love. it is not cliche.


Monday, February 21, 2011


my heart has felt a penchant for direction. making my own film. it's been a distant tingle i've felt. there is something within that has me feeling it. it's the same process i've noticed on great things that have proven true through out my own history. today i wrote the first synopsis of such a project. and it is all from my heart. those make for the most powerful stories. like anything else in life, heart is essential. of course i am an actor and my first step in this "direction" is making a start as an actor. i take direction so i will eventually direct. what a concept! lol! just like anything else in life. process.

they say patience is a virtue. no shit.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

sun lite

sun lite is energy. in sunshine flowers bloom, grass grows, birds chirp. things come alive in light. science backs up faith with age old metaphors. light is good for life. things of light nature on all counts are essential. sun light, light heart, light attitude. if you're attitude is not at ease with the world around you your point of view must change to a lighter side. silver linings. finding good from bad. we do not handle stress well for long durations, physically or emotionally. turn to the light. it's proven by science! LOL! ;-)

i became aware when i opened the blinds this morning and in flooded beautiful warm sunlight. love that shit! :-)

peace for real.


Thursday, February 10, 2011

tru dat

there always will be something. something that wears on you. holds you back. keeps you from smiling to your fullest potential.
nothing is always smooth. nothing is always easy.
believe the truth of momentum. once you start in a direction you build momentum. true in physics right? aren't we all physics? we are all of the same origin therefor the laws of nature fall true within us all. in everything.

sow momentum. get it started. start! that's the thing, you gotta start and stick to it. discipline is the greatest virtue of all.

tru dat.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Grandma's Car

I pay homage to my grandma and her car by thanking her and her car every time I go for a drive. Grandma's spirit is with me. She is with me all the time. Everyone who has touched me has spirit that resides within me continually. I make that happen. Rich memories of life lessons. I have the essence of everyone with me right now and forever more because of my will to have it. Will power is so underestimated. Learn to see it and appreciate it. Feel it's power. It will take you anywhere you need to be. :-)

Peace be with yo! ;-)


Thursday, January 27, 2011

light is warm. let it warm you. feel it. belee dat!

i see a light at the end of the tunnel. i see it. i feel it. i'm in the middle of the circle sending myself outward. hollywood, i have been preparing for this moment all my life. i have the life training. i have the business training. i have the emotional training. i have the aesthetic training. i see dreams becoming realities with each passing day. closer and closer. i'm coming yall. i have no limits. i have no restrictions. i let go get up and get going.

thank you God for every miracle of every day.

hell yeah!


Thursday, January 20, 2011

breaking heart

my heart breaks this morning. for about 5 days someone has left a dog at home unattended all day long. i hear it barking. this morning it was howling a cry. i couldn't take it anymore. my heart was breaking at the loneliness. i am doing what i can to help that soul. i am taking action. life does not deserve to be lonely. there is no need for it when we are so many. i wish people would think about life in a better way. if we all appreciated it it would make for an easier existence.

love thy neighbor.


Monday, January 10, 2011

pain aint so bad

pain is the ultimate equalizer. we are all equal in pain. we all experience it in different ways. no matter how hardened, there is pain. it is all in the way that we use it. i feel pain. when i do i use it as a release. i release emotions thru pain. pain is necessary. it focuses us on what is important. do not be afraid of pain. embrace it. use it. it is proof of life.


Thursday, January 6, 2011

heart song

i have a lot of messages to deliver.

they are inside of me. they've always been there.

there was always a tingling here or there in my subcosncious every now and again.
i recognize them more now looking back. things i identified with and had no idea why... now i understand.

the more i deliver my messages the more accurate they become. an amazing phenomena! further confirmation that i am doing what i am supposed to be doing.

this is heart. this is soul. this is my song.

Monday, January 3, 2011

express ur thoughts

writing is a medium i enjoy expressing myself through. it solidifies my thoughts and 'erueka' moments. i think them and read them aloud in my mind. transferring those thoughts to words via print involves motor skills, which reinforce habit. in difficult times return to those words. :)

free therapy. i just saved you money. lol! ;-) in all seriousness, therapy is necessary. change from bad habits to good requires therapy. it requires repetition. it requires training like an olympic athlete.

lover and a fighter,