This journal is dedicated to whatever rolls across my mind and to those who listen. Thank you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

my reply 2 my young youtube friend on being lonely

i do remember speaking of being lonely as a result of me having to cut nonsense people from my life. there are a lot of people in life who take too much of your good vibe and can hold you back. you gotta identify, cut and move on and that is very lonely. been so lonely i've cried many many times. pain, hurt, torn, ripped, shredded heart sad and lonely. yes i've been lonely. what i say to that is yes it is ok... we must experience whatever the good path gives us in return. that you are trying to be a better man is all you need do. there will be issues we gotta deal with on our path and loneliness is one of them. i can tell you what i live and i can tell you that it gets better. in time. gotta pay ur dues so to speak. its true. its the path to being a man. owning yourself and setting yourself free.

it's ok to be lonely. it happens. what also will happen is that you get better at identifying and attracting the right people to you. in time.

hang tuff brother. you got it. ;-)


1 comment:

  1. Very very true indeed. The path of loneliness can be quite a learning journey and most importantly it's a very important process in this journey so called life. Loneliness helps us grow and differenciate what and who we truly want in out lives. At the long run it helps us being ok with being alone and at peace when we feel lonely.
    Great piece of advice Tim. You are my hero!
