This journal is dedicated to whatever rolls across my mind and to those who listen. Thank you.

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Albert" & "Becoming the Bouncer"

Some out takes and movie trailer from "Albert" by Elin Glonblom, a very sweet and inspirational story about rejection and determination. I play Genee an exotic super hero like character who is sworn by honor to serve the cantankerous Mr. Sputnik. ;-)

Becoming the Bouncer, a pilot for a competition tv show about bouncing... not balls but people. ;-)

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Brick by Brick

New wave pop sensation Richard Barone recorded his own version of the heavy metal song Brick by Brick for his cameo in Mr. Bricks the movie. This is the music video. Very cool. ;)
And then scroll down page to find the heavy metal version ala Tim Dax. ;)