This journal is dedicated to whatever rolls across my mind and to those who listen. Thank you.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

knots & rope

mistakes are knots in a rope. rope is your life line. remember rope is malleable, it can bend, twirl and twist or be taught and straight. then again it can meander and sway. it can also loop round and round and round in circles endlessly repeating itself... round n round... n round.... dizzying round and... ahem.. (excuse me;) you get my point.

mistakes are knots in your rope. climb your rope. follow with fluid abondon. let a mistake, a knot in your rope be the footing you use to push further along your path. climb up yall! ascension is good! ascend thyself and watch those knots unfurl as you pass.

then you will be free. then you'll really be free.

1 comment:

  1. Timmy! You are the perfect example of "Just Be Yourself!" You either like me, love me, or walk the F*** away from ME! YEAHHHH! =] I love you!
